Jade Bracelet
Jade is a fantastic material to make bracelets from. At Camile & Stone, we offer a diverse range of jade stone bracelets. We think it looks great worn on your wrist and it can bring positive energy into your life.
Camile & Stone offers lots of crystal fashion pieces. This obviously includes our jade bangles and other bracelet designs. The jade stone has benefits above bringing positivity into your life. It's great for confidence and helps with luck too. It's a good bracelet to add to your collection for protection too.
Our jade bracelets include a style for everyone. This means different coloured jade stones and different designs. From delicate chains to thicker cuffs, we merge tradition with modernity in our design.
As usual, you can rest assured that our jade bangles are ethical. Everything we stock is made from ethical materials, including our jade collection.
Find out more about our jade bracelet collection below.
Jade is actually two different things. Many people think it refers to one stone but it doesn't. There is the greener stone, known as nephrite. And then there is jadeite. Both of these stones come in green and lots of other colours too!
When buying jade, you might want to know the difference between these two stones. Nephrite is softer than jadeite. However, both stones can scratch and are not immune. Nephrite is usually darker. It is also sometimes called nephrite jade by jewellers to make it easier to spot.
Yes. There is nephrite jade and jadeite. These are two different stones. Jadeite is harder and nephrite is darker. However, most of the differences are because of the chemistry and not how the stone actually looks. You’ll only know the differences if it's labelled usually.
A green jade bracelet can be either jadeite or nephrite. Jadeite is usually the pale green one. Nephrite is a darker green colour. White jade bracelets are also popular. White jade is sometimes more expensive than green, but not often.
Black jade bracelets are also found. Black jade is still jade, it's just a much darker colour.
For dark green jade earrings, try these huggies.
Unfortunately, if you drop a jade cuff bracelet on the floor, it could break. This is mostly when the floor is a hard surface like wood or concrete. On the carpet, a jade bangle bracelet would probably survive.
If your bracelet only has small amounts of jade, like a delicate little charm, then it likely won't break. Additionally, a jade bead bracelet also might not break because it’s smaller.
Jade can be scratched but not easily. Being careful with your jade bracelet is the easiest way to not get it damaged.
Some people believe that when a jade piece breaks it has done its job protecting you. So, if your bracelet does break, you can see it as a good sign instead!
Jade jewellery can be worn every day. It’s a durable stone. However, don’t wear it in the shower. You also shouldn’t sleep in it.
Spiritually, you shouldn't take a jade bracelet off. People believe jade to be protective and bring confidence and luck to the wearer. They also think it can form a deep bond with the person wearing it. People think if you take it off, you could disrupt the connection it has to the person.
Of course, if you are wearing jade for the colour, you will probably just take the bracelet off as you would other jewellery. It is only when people think it can heal that they don’t remove it.
Jade is thought to have healing benefits. This is why it may need 'activating.'
To activate your jade bracelet, you can do a few things. Activating it is basically just cleansing it. You can use incense to cleanse it. You could also run it under the tap. Don’t leave your bracelet in water, but it’ll be okay being held under the tap.
The idea of activating is to also set an intention for when you're wearing it. Jade is supposed to bring luck and confidence. Use this to set an intention for your bracelet. Once you’ve set the intention, then it is activated.
If you're not wearing jade jewellery, you could try a jade jewellery stand. That way, your jewellery will be infused with the good energy.
Jade is a 7 on the Mohs scale. this means it shouldn't scratch too easily. So one of the easiest ways to test the realness of your bracelet is to scratch it. If it scratches really easily, it might be plastic or glass. Another thing about crystals is that they don't take on the heat of the room around them. They also don't retain heat. So while your bracelet might heat against your skin, if it's left out it shouldn't. Another way is resonant sound. Crystals can produce it and plastic can't.
Vintage jade bracelets can also be tested. If you get one as a gift, you can use a needle to scratch it or try the heat test.
Yes, absolutely. A jade charm bracelet can be very special. You could also just gift a jade charm. On top of this, a beaded jade bracelet is good for friends you want to wish luck or grant peace to.
You can also get custom jade bracelets. We sell them here at Camile & Stone. You can engrave them so they're really unique for your friends.
So, for some people, it absolutely doesn't matter which hand you wear it on. For others it really does.
It's said that your left hand attracts and your right hand rids. So if you wear a jade bracelet on your left hand, you attract all the energy it brings. That being said, you can still enjoy the benefits of a jade bracelet on your right hand. Just like with jade earrings, just having it on your body can bring positive benefits.