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Chakra bracelets
Feeling a little off balance? No, you're not due a yoga class, but a gorgeous bracelet, with some very special abilities!
Let us delve into the world of chakras, if you're new here, you are in the perfect place to learn everything about chakra bracelets and how they benefit you in many different ways. The only thing you have to do is go in with an open mind, your energy will follow suit.
If you're not a spiritual person, you can still enjoy the unique beauty of these bracelets. We here at Camile & Stone believe there is jewellery out there for everyone whether you focus on aesthetics, or something a bit deeper.
You can point out a chakra bracelet in a crowd by its colourful beads or gemstones, all resembling a different chakra in the body. Chakras are a very old concept and with the help of bracelets, have been given a new lease of life.
Enhance your style with our colourful Emerald Stone Pearl Necklace.
Find out more about chakra bracelets below.
Other than adding charm and the essence of a free spirit, this jewellery can do amazing things for your mind and body.
By choosing what chakra beads go on your bracelet, whatever struggle you are facing can be tackled.
A lot of power is stored in the colourful beads that can balance and align your energy to make you feel overall more grounded. As you slip on your new chakra bracelet, the worries and concerns swimming around your head will be slowed and easier to process.
Some also say wearing a chakra bracelet makes them feel physically better too. When you're feeling emotionally resilient, your body has more energy and less risk of headaches or muscle tension.
You now know that each bead represents a chakra in the body, of which there are seven: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root.
Each chakra has multiple crystals associated with them, some more popular than others. They are connected due to the belief of which stones work best to open up which chakra, like carnelian for the sacral chakra or turquoise for the throat.
Connect with yourself even more with our Star Signs and Zodiac collection.
We'll begin at the top of the body, with the crown chakra commonly opened with clear quartz. The crown is said to be the source of all spirituality.
Another important one is the third eye chakra, associated with amethyst or lapis lazuli. This influences your intuition. Are things not making sense and you're feeling lost? Get these stones on your bracelet to see clearly again.
As with most, if not all, spiritual practices, getting solid scientific proof to support these beliefs is nearly impossible.
However, human chakras are deep rooted throughout religions such as Hinduism which heavily feature yoga and meditation for grounding and chakra unblocking purposes.
Yoga is excellent for the body, it keeps it strong and flexible and meditation helps neautrilise anxious thoughts. Whether or not you do these in the name of chakras doesn't matter, you will still feel the benefits.
We could also bring in the placebo effect. If you are a firm believer that your chakra bracelet correltaes with the energies within, you'll begin to feel what you expect to. For example, if you have low self-esteem and turn to gemstones to open the solar plexus chakra, confidence will soon follow.
The mind is a powerful thing. We say do what is best for you, wear the lovely beads if they make you feel good, and if they open your chakras - that's a bonus!
Are your chakras still not quite right after wearing your new accessory?
It's disappointing, but there's still hope. The problem isn't you, but the bracelet. That's right, sometimes it's easy to fall for a false chakra bracelet, especially when you don't know what to avoid when choosing one.
The first thing to do is check the quantity and colour of the gems or beads. To be authentic, it must consist of yellow, orange, red, blue, and indigo beads. The other colours can be black, clear or purple, depending on the design.
If your chakra bracelet is threaded together with elastic, an easy way to spot a fake is by checking the colour of the string. If there are colour marks, the beads are painted.
Finally, the overall quality of the bracelet will be poor. Either the material tarnishes quickly, or the gems are plastic, there will be some hidden details that will be obvious with a closer look. Knowing what real amethyst or lapis lazuli looks like will help a lot with spotting a true one.
People say the wrist you choose will affect your spiritual energy. Whether this is true or not is up for debate, so let us guide you through the meaning behind both.
We understand you want to wear your beautiful new bracelet straight away, but before you do, consider what wrist to put it on.
Why? Well, there are beliefs that your left wrist will make you calmer, whereas the right wrist will prevent negative energy.
As with all crystals, such as when wearing rings, many say the left hand is best as it is deemed the 'receiving' hand and will absorb the energy from the stone more readily than the right.
Or, if you're not sure, why not wear the bracelet interchangeably? If you want to feel both protection from negative energy and calm, wear a bracelet each at the same time.
Stack your wrist jewellery with our Disc Chain Stacking Bracelet.
To keep your energies open and activated, it's best to wear the bracelet as often as you can, with the right precautions.
Being without your spiritual jewellery doesn't sound appealing, but sometimes you have to accept that your bracelet needs to be looked after, too.
We suggest you remove your bracelet and put it somewhere safe before any activity that may risk snapping it or weakening it.
Additionally, with long-term use, your bracelet will have done a lot of protective efforts. To get the negative energy out, place it in a bowl of uncooked rice for 24 hours and enjoy a rejuvenated bracelet.